The Core Container uses and exposes several APIs for interaction with the Core Container as well as for Connector-to-Connector and Data App-to-Connector communication.

The following default ports are used to expose the different APIs:

Inter Connector API

The Inter Connector API is based around the Information Model Messages and follows this basic structure:

  • header: An ids:Message subclass.
  • payload: Optional arbitrary payload, might be scoped given the header class.

IDS allows three communication protocols: HTTP MIME Multipart, IDSCPv2, IDS REST.

In cases where the connector can’t provide a suitable response, a RejectionMessage (or ContractRejectionMessage in case of a contract negotiation) is returned with a limited set of information to prevent attacks based on the response of the connector. The logs of the connector often provide a more detailed explanation that can be used for root-cause analysis. All requests based on the IDS Information Model are validated against the SHACL shapes defined in the Information Model. Errors in the messages always result in a RejectionMessage.

HTTP MIME Multipart

The HTTP MIME Multipart protocol follows the RFC1341 7.2 standard, with either mixed (multipart/mixed) or form-data (multipart/form-data). This is the default protocol used by the Core Container.

The HTTP messages are composed out of a header part with a JSON-LD represenstation of the ids:Message subclasses and optional payload part.

An example of an HTTP MIME Multipart message containing a ConnectorUpdateMessage as header together with a self-description as payload:

Click to expand plain HTTP multipart message
POST /router HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=VWo5W0Rmj8P8IHyC84CxRYpQNM62IP
Accept: */*

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="header"
Content-Type: application/ld+json

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "https://w3id.org/idsa/core/",
    "idsc" : "https://w3id.org/idsa/code/"
  "@type" : "ids:ConnectorUpdateMessage",
  "@id" : "https://w3id.org/idsa/autogen/connectorUpdateMessage/5d84ce59-0b34-4483-81f5-7126976fa482",
  "ids:modelVersion" : "4.1.0",
  "ids:issued" : {
    "@value" : "2021-11-19T12:55:50.046+01:00",
    "@type" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTimeStamp"
  "ids:issuerConnector" : {
    "@id" : "urn:ids:test"
  "ids:recipientConnector" : [ {
    "@id" : "urn:ids:broker"
  } ],
  "ids:senderAgent" : {
    "@id" : "urn:ids:test"
  "ids:recipientAgent" : [ {
    "@id" : "urn:ids:broker"
  } ],
  "ids:securityToken" : {
    "@type" : "ids:DynamicAttributeToken",
    "@id" : "https://w3id.org/idsa/autogen/dynamicAttributeToken/1368e56a-5f13-44fb-95d3-c9577c96a134",
    "ids:tokenValue" : "DUMMY",
    "ids:tokenFormat" : {
      "@id" : "https://w3id.org/idsa/code/JWT"
  "ids:affectedConnector" : {
    "@id" : "urn:ids:test"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="payload"
Content-Type: application/ld+json

  "@context" : {
    "ids" : "https://w3id.org/idsa/core/",
    "idsc" : "https://w3id.org/idsa/code/"
  "@type" : "ids:TrustedConnector",
  "@id" : "urn:ids:test",
  "ids:maintainer" : {
    "@id" : "urn:ids:test"
  "ids:resourceCatalog" : [ ],
  "ids:description" : [ {
    "@value" : "Test",
    "@type" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"
  } ],
  "ids:curator" : {
    "@id" : "urn:ids:test"
  "ids:inboundModelVersion" : [ "4.1.0", "4.1.1" ],
  "ids:outboundModelVersion" : "4.1.0",
  "ids:hasAgent" : [ ],
  "ids:securityProfile" : {
    "@id" : "https://w3id.org/idsa/code/TRUST_SECURITY_PROFILE"
  "ids:extendedGuarantee" : [ ],
  "ids:hasDefaultEndpoint" : {
    "@type" : "ids:ConnectorEndpoint",
    "@id" : "https://w3id.org/idsa/autogen/connectorEndpoint/bfcb03d5-8724-4c7b-af16-7b4174a6e419",
    "ids:endpointInformation" : [ ],
    "ids:endpointDocumentation" : [ ],
    "ids:accessURL" : {
      "@id" : "https://test"
  "ids:hasEndpoint" : [ {
    "@type" : "ids:ConnectorEndpoint",
    "@id" : "https://w3id.org/idsa/autogen/connectorEndpoint/bfcb03d5-8724-4c7b-af16-7b4174a6e419",
    "ids:endpointInformation" : [ ],
    "ids:endpointDocumentation" : [ ],
    "ids:accessURL" : {
      "@id" : "https://test"
  } ],
  "ids:title" : [ {
    "@value" : "Test",
    "@type" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"
  } ]

By default, the following HTTP MIME Multipart endpoints are configured for the connector:

  • /selfdescription: Exposes the self description of the connector. With by default support for POST messages containing an ids:DescriptionRequestMessage message for requesting either the complete self description or only a sub-part of it. These messages must be sent from another connector with a valid DAT. Support for simple GET requests can be configured, which results in non-restricted access to the self description (without any means of requesting specific parts of the self description).
  • /router/artifacts: Exposes the endpoint for artifact request handling, with support for: ids:ArtifactRequestMessages, ids:DescriptionRequestMessages, and contract negotiation related messages.


The IDS Communication Protocol version 2 (IDSCPv2) is a custom TLS-based stateful protocol. It consists of a transport layer protocol responsible for setting up a mutual authenticated, encrypted and integrity protected communication channel, and an application layer protocol that allows for the actual data exchange to be exchanged over the session.

IDSCP v2 Overview - Click to enlarge

IDSCP v2 Overview, courtesy of Fraunhofer AISEC

The application layer uses Protobuf for the serialization of the header and payload parts. The message definition is as follows:

syntax = "proto3";
message IdsMessage {
  // Arbitrary header string
  string header = 1;
  // The actual, generic message payload
  bytes payload = 2;

The header part should be represented in JSON-LD format and the payload part can contain an arbitrary byte array.


Disclaimer: The Core Container does not support IDS REST at this moment.

The IDS REST protocol is intended to be the replacement of the HTTP MIME Multipart protocol, by following more closely the Linked Data Platform W3C recommendation.

The IDS REST protocol deviates from the Multipart and IDSCPv2 protocols with respect to the representation of the header part, since it doesn’t use the JSON-LD representation for the header. Instead, a combination of HTTP method, HTTP URL, and HTTP headers is used to represent the header.

The protocol is not finalized and published yet, as soon as it is it will be linked here. This also is the reason the TSG components do not support IDS REST at this moment.

Data App API

The current implementations of Data Apps use the HTTP MIME Multipart protocol for exchanging information with the Core Container. At this moment, this is not standardized yet and might be subject to change in the future.

Next to the standard IDS communication, a Data App can also use the Admin API to manipulate the Core Container. For instance, to provide resource descriptions to the Resource Manager module using the /api/resources endpoints.

Both the Multipart and the Admin API endpoints can be secured with API keys, as is detailed below in Security.

Metrics API

Metrics are exposed via the Spring Boot Actuator that allows to expose information that might be required for production-ready deployments of the core container. By default the metrics are exposed on a seperate port (8081) to allow for easily exposing the metrics only within a Kubernetes cluster and not to the outside world. Also, the actuator endpoints are not secured with any credentials, to allow for easy configuration within Kubernetes, Prometheus, and any other tooling that might use the actuators for monitoring and orchestration.

The base URL of the actuators is: http://localhost:8081/actuator

The actuators that are configured are:

  • /actuator/health: Simple health check to check whether Spring is successfully started and running
  • /actuator/prometheus: Metric endpoint formatted to be used directly within Prometheus
  • /actuator/metrics: Metric endpoint for extracting single metrics (see: Spring Boot Docs)

The available metrics are generic process & JVM metrics, combined with the following Camel metrics (per route):

  • CamelExchangesTotal: Counter of total exchanges (i.e. messages) per Camel route
  • CamelExchangesFailed: Counter of failed exchanges (i.e. messages) per Camel route
  • CamelExchangesFailuresHandled: Counter of failed exchanges that are handled (i.e. messages) per Camel route
  • CamelExchangesSucceeded: Counter of succeeded exchanges (i.e. messages) per Camel route
  • CamelRoutePolicy: Processing time per Camel route
  • CamelMessageHistory: Processing time per node per Camel route

Admin API

The internal API of the Core Container is meant to be used for administration of the Core Container by either users or deployed Data Apps. It follows largely the structure of the modules of the Core Container.

The API is used by the Web User Interface that allows users to interact with the Core Container. As well as, by Data Apps that are able to communicate with API keys with the endpoints of the API. See the Security section for more information on the security of the API.

All inputs towards the administrative API are validated against Kotlin Data Classes that ensure that there is no malformed input allowed, this includes the messages returned by the API.

Artifact Management

The Artifact Management API is used to interact with the built-in Artifact handling of the Core Container.

Method Endpoint Required Role Description Params/body
GET /api/artifacts/consumer/artifact ARTIFACT_CONSUMER Retrieve an artifact from an external connector artifact: String containing the requested artifact ID. connectorId: String containing the Connector ID that should be fetched. agentId (optional): String containing the agent ID that should be used when requesting the artifact. accessUrl: String containing the accessUrl where the artifact is located. transferContract (Optional): String containing the Transfer Contract to obtain the artifact.
POST /api/artifacts/consumer/contractRequest ARTIFACT_CONSUMER Initiate the Contract negotiation process connectorId: String containing the connectorId where the contractRequest should be posted to. agentId (Optional): String containing the agent ID where the contractRequest should be routed to. contractOffer: String containing the Contract Offer for the request. accessUrl: String containing the accessURL where the contractRequest should be posted to.
GET /api/artifacts/provider ARTIFACT_PROVIDER_READER List provided artifacts -
POST /api/artifacts/provider ARTIFACT_PROVIDER_MANAGER Upload a new artifact artifact: MultipartFile title: String containing the title of the artifact. description: String containing the description of the artifact. artifactId (Optional): String containing the id you want to give the artifact. contractOffer (Optional): String containing the contract offer you want to add to your artifact.
GET /api/artifacts/provider/{artifactId} ARTIFACT_PROVIDER_MANAGER Retrieve artifact metadata artifactId: String containing the identifier of the artifact.
GET /api/artifacts/provider/{artifactId}/data ARTIFACT_PROVIDER_MANAGER Retrieve artifact data artifactId: String containing the identifier of the artifact.
PUT /api/artifacts/provider/{artifactId} ARTIFACT_PROVIDER_MANAGER Update an existing artifact artifactId: String containing the identifier of the artifact. artifact (Optional): MultipartFile title (Optional): String containing the title of the artifact. description (Optional): String containing the description of the artifact. contractOffer (Optional): String containing the contract offer you want to add to your artifact.
DELETE /api/artifacts/provider/{artifactId} ARTIFACT_PROVIDER_MANAGER Delete an artifact artifactId: String containing the identifier of the artifact.
Artifact Management API endpoints

Clearing controller

The Clearing controller API is used to retrieve information on cleared messages.

Method Endpoint Required Role Description Params/Body
GET /api/clearing ADMIN Retrieve cleared messages, with optional from and to query parameters in UNIX epoch milliseconds format from: Long containing start in UNIX epoch milliseconds to: Long containing end in UNIX epoch milliseconds.
GET /api/clearing/filter ADMIN Retrieve filtered cleared messages, with query parameters to filter filter: Map of properties to filter with. e.g. context and direction.
Clearing controller API endpoints

Orchestration Management

The Orchestration Management API is used to interact with the orchestration manager that allows for orchestration of data apps and helper containers.

Method Endpoint Required Role Description Params/Body
GET /api/orchestration ORCHESTRATION_MANAGER Retrieve all running containers managed by the OrchestrationManager -
POST /api/orchestration ORCHESTRATION_MANAGER Retrieve detailed information for a specific container Body: {name: string, image: {name: string, tag: string, pullSecretName (optional): string }, ports: String[], configuration: {filename: string, content: string}[], configMountPath: string, environment: Map<string, string>, healthEndpoint: string, initialDelaySeconds: int, healthProbe: HealthProbe<STARTUP,LIVENESS,READINESS>}
GET /api/orchestration/{containerName} ORCHESTRATION_MANAGER Add a new container using the given container configuration containerName: String containing the name of the container
DELETE /api/orchestration/{containerName} ORCHESTRATION_MANAGER Delete a container from the OrchestrationManager containerName: String containing the name of the container
Orchestration Management API endpoints

Policy Enforcement Management

The Policy Enforcement Management API is used to interact with the built-in Policy Enforcement Framework. More specifically, the API is used to interact with the Policy Administration Point to manage agreed upon contracts and contract offers.

Method Endpoint Required Role Description Params/Body
GET /api/pap/contracts PEF_READER List agreed upon contracts -
POST /api/pap/contracts PEF_MANAGER Insert agreed upon contract Body in JSONLD containing a contract according to the IDS Information model.
GET /api/pap/contracts/{contractId} PEF_MANAGER Get agreed upon contract details contractId: String containing the contract identifier
DELETE /api/pap/contracts/{contractId} PEF_MANAGER Delete agreed upon contract contractId: String containing the contract identifier
GET /api/pap/offers PEF_READER List contract offers -
POST /api/pap/offers PEF_MANAGER Insert contract offer Body in JSONLD containing a contract offer according to the IDS Information model.
GET /api/pap/offers/{offerId} PEF_MANAGER Get contract offer details offerId: String containing the identifier of the offer
DELETE /api/pap/offers/{offerId} PEF_MANAGER Delete contract offer offerId: String containing the identifier of the offer
Policy Enforcement Management API endpoints

Resource Management

The Resource Management API is used to interact with the Resource Management of the Core Container, which is used to generate the self-description of the Connector. These endpoints are primarily used by Data Apps that provide resources for the Connector.

Method Endpoint Required Role Description Params/Body
GET /api/resources RESOURCE_READER List offered resource catalogs -
GET /api/resources/{catalogId} RESOURCE_READER List offered resources in a resource catalog catalogId: String containing the identifier of the catalog.
GET /api/resources/{catalogId}/ids RESOURCE_READER List identifiers of offered resources in a resource catalog catalogId: String containing the identifier of the catalog.
POST /api/resources/{catalogId} RESOURCE_MANAGER Insert a resource into a resource catalog, the resource catalog will be created if it does not exist catalogId: String containing the identifier of the catalog. Body in JSONLD containing a resource according to the IDS Information model.
POST /api/resources/{catalogId}/batch RESOURCE_MANAGER Insert a batch of resources into a resource catalog, the resource catalog will be created if it does not exist catalogId: String containing the identifier of the catalog. replaceAll (Optional): Whether all resources in the catalog should be replaced. Defaults to true. Body in JSONLD containing a resource catalog according to the IDS Information model.
PUT /api/resources/{catalogId} RESOURCE_MANAGER Update a resource in a resource catalog catalogId: String containing the identifier of the catalog. Body in JSONLD containing a resource according to the IDS Information model.
DELETE /api/resources/{catalogId} RESOURCE_MANAGER Delete offered resource catalog catalogId: String containing the identifier of the catalog.
DELETE /api/resources/{catalogId}/{resourceId} RESOURCE_MANAGER Delete a resource in a resource catalog catalogId: String containing the identifier of the catalog. resourceId: String containing the identifier of the resource.
Resource Management API endpoints

Route Management

The Route Management API is used to interact with the Camel Route Manager to administrate Camel routes and view metrics of the routes.

Method Endpoint Required Role Description Params/Body
GET /api/routes ROUTE_READER List Apache Camel routes -
POST /api/routes ROUTE_MANAGER Insert a new Camel route Body containing a String with the route information.
GET /api/routes/{routeId} ROUTE_READER Get details of a Camel route, including metrics routeId: String containing the identifier of the Camel route.
DELETE /api/routes/{routeId} ROUTE_MANAGER Delete a Camel route routeId: String containing the identifier of the Camel route.
Route Management API endpoints

Authentication Management

The Authentication Management API is used to interact with the Authentication Manager to administrate users and API keys that have access to the Admin API.

Method Endpoint Required Role Description Params/body
GET /api/auth/roles ADMIN List roles that can be assigned -
GET /api/auth/users ADMIN List administrative users -
POST /api/auth/users ADMIN Insert administrative user Body: {id: string, password: string(bcrypt), roles:string[], locked: boolean, lockedUntil: long, nexPasswordChangeBefore: long}
PUT /api/auth/users/{userId} ADMIN Update existing administrative user. Please note that it is possible to change other administrators. userId: String containing the identifier of the user. Body: {id: string, password: string(bcrypt), roles:string[], locked: boolean, lockedUntil: long, nexPasswordChangeBefore: long}
DELETE /api/auth/users/{userId} ADMIN Delete administrative user. Please note that it is possible to delete other administrators. userId: String containing the identifier of the user.
GET /api/auth/apikeys ADMIN List API keys -
POST /api/auth/apikeys ADMIN Insert API key Body: {id: string, key: string, roles: string[], nextApiKeyChangeBefore: long}
PUT /api/auth/apikeys/{apiKeyId} ADMIN Update existing API key {apiKeyId}: String containing the identifier of the API key. Body: {id: string, key: string, roles: string[], nextApiKeyChangeBefore: long}
DELETE /api/auth/apikeys/{apiKeyId} ADMIN Delete API key {apiKeyId}: String containing the identifier of the API key.
Authentication Management API endpoints

Self Description

The Self Description API is used to request metadata from other connectors or from the Broker.

Method Endpoint Required Role Description Params/body
GET /api/description DESCRIPTION_READER Send a DescriptionRequestMessage to another connector. With optional validate (true/false) query parameter to validate the other connector’s self description. accept (Optional): String containing accepted content type. connectorId: String containing the identifier of the connector. agentId (Optional): String containing the identifier of the agent. accessUrl: String containing the access url of the hosted self description. requestedElement: String containing the element that is requested. validate: Boolean whether the response should be validated by your own connector.
POST /api/description/query DESCRIPTION_READER Send a QueryMessage to a broker, by default to the configured broker accept (Optional): String containing accepted content type. connectorId (Optional): String containing the identifier of the connector. agentId (Optional): String containing the identifier of the agent. accessUrl (Optional): String containing the access url of the hosted self description. queryLanguage (Optional): String containing the query language. queryScope (Optional): String containing the query scope. recipientScope (Optional): String containing the recipientScope.
GET /api/broker/registrations DESCRIPTION_MANAGER Retrieve the active Broker registrations of this connector -
POST /api/broker/update DESCRIPTION_MANAGER Manually update the registration of this connector at the specified Broker or the default configured Broker. With optional brokerId and brokerAddress query parameters to define a non-standard Broker brokerId (Optional): String containing the identifier of the broker. brokerAddress (Optional): String containing the address of the broker.
POST /api/broker/unavailable DESCRIPTION_MANAGER Indicate the unavailability of this connector at the specified Broker or the default configured Broker. With optional brokerId, brokerAddress and affectedConnector query parameters to define a non-standard Broker brokerId (Optional): String containing the identifier of the broker. brokerAddress (Optional): String containing the address of the broker. affectedConnector (Optional): String containing the identifier of the connector that is affected.
Self Description API endpoints

Workflow Management

The Workflow Management API is used to interact with the Workflow Manager.

Method Endpoint Required Role Description  
GET /api/workflow WORKFLOW_READER List workflows -
POST /api/workflow WORKFLOW_MANAGER Insert and start a new workflow Body: {parties: {id: string, name: string, accessUrl: string}
POST /api/workflow/group WORKFLOW_MANAGER Insert and start a group of workflows Body: {capabilities: Capability[], workflows: Workflow[]}
GET /api/workflow/{networkId} WORKFLOW_READER Get details and status of a workflow networkId: String that contains the identifier of the network.
POST /api/workflow/invoke/{workflowId}/{stepName}/{inputIndex} WORKFLOW_MANAGER Invoke a manual input step of a workflow workflowId: String that contains an identifier of the workflow. stepName: String that contains the name of the step. inputIndex: String that contains the index of the input.
DELETE /api/workflow/{networkId} WORKFLOW_MANAGER Delete a workflow networkId: String that contains the identifier of the network.
GET /api/workflow/{networkId}/results WORKFLOW_READER Get the intermediate results of a workflow. Requires the workflow.saveIntermediateResults property to be true networkId: String that contains the identifier of the network.
Workflow Management API endpoints


Access to the public endpoints of the connector are handled via the IDS protcols, but access to the internal endpoints (both Admin API and Data App API) can be secured via a token-based approach. At this moment, the security feature is disabled by default (security.enabled property), which allows any request to be handled without authentication. When this feature is enabled, there is an option to either authenticate with user credentials or with API keys.

For user-based authentication, a user must request a token from the Core Container at the /auth/signin endpoint with its credentials (userid and password). When successfully authenticated, the user receives a JSON Web Token (JWT) that it must use in further requests to the Admin API as Bearer Authentication HTTP header. Tokens of users are valid for 1 hour.

A user can provide 10 wrong credentials within 15 minutes before the user account is locked for 15 minutes. No detailed information is shown in the error messages indicating that the user account is locked, as well as, no additional information is provided what might be wrong with the request. All failed attempts will be containing non-descriptive message like “Invalid username/password supplied”.

For API keys, the configured API key can be used directly in the Bearer Authentication HTTP header and is primarily intended for Data Apps or applications interacting with the Core Container. API keys are valid until they are deleted via the Admin API.

Each user and API key can be assigned to roles to only allow access to specific API endpoints. The list of valid roles is:

Role Description
ADMIN Administrator role for the primary administrator that has full access and inherits all of the other roles
DATA_APP Data App role that can be given to Data Apps for managing the resources that they offer
READER Reader role that is allowed to read all resources in the core container but not modify them
ARTIFACT_PROVIDER_MANAGER Artifact Provider Manager role that is allowed to administrate provided artifact
ARTIFACT_PROVIDER_READER Artifact Provider Reader role that is allowed to list provided artifacts
ARTIFACT_CONSUMER Artifact Consumer role that is allowed to request artifacts from other connectors in the network
ORCHESTRATION_MANAGER Orchestration Manager role that is allowed to orchestrate containers
ORCHESTRATION_READER Orchestration Reader role that is allowed to list orchestrated containers
PEF_MANAGER Policy Enforcement Manager role that is allowed to initiate new contracts and contract negotiations
PEF_READER Policy Enforcement Reader role that is allowed to list agreed upon contracts and contract offers
RESOURCE_MANAGER Resource Manager role that is allowed to modify the resources provided by the core container and data apps
RESOURCE_READER Resource Reader role that is allowed to list resources provided by the core container and data apps
ROUTE_MANAGER Route Manager role that is allowed to modify Camel routes offered by the Core Container
ROUTE_READER Route Reader role that is allowed to list Camel routes offered by the Core Container
DESCRIPTION_READER Description Reader role that is allowed to send Description Request messages to other connectors in the network
DESCRIPTION_MANAGER Description Manager role that is allowed to modify the registration at Metadata Broker(s) in the network
WORKFLOW_MANAGER Workflow Manager role that is allowed to initiate new workflows
WORKFLOW_READER Workflow Reader role that is allowed to list workflows and show the results and status of the workflow
Security roles overview

Especially for API keys, it is wise to limit the scope of the key to just the API endpoints a Data App will use, since API keys do not have an expiration date which increases the impact of leaked API keys.

Passwords for users are encrypted using BCrypt, in both the configuration files and via the API passwords must be presented in BCrypt encoded form. It is required to use a cost factor of 12 or higher when hashing the password with the BCrypt hash function. BCrypt cost factors result in a number of hashing round equal to 2 ^ COST_FACTOR, for a cost factor of 12 this results in 4096 hashing rounds. Next to this, there is an option to perform password rotation. With the password rotation, it is not possible to verify whether two passwords are the same because of the bcrypt hashing. In the UI password strength is enforced via the forms, where a password policy of: at least 12 characters, at least 1 uppercase character, at least 1 lowercase character, at least one special character. In the UI also a requirement for API keys is enforced, which ensures all API keys are at least 20 characters long (not including APIKEY-). Both minimum required lengths can be configured by applying environment variables to the UI, for the password length the variable PASSWORD_LENGTH is used and for the API key length APIKEY_LENGTH is used. If these variables are set lower than the default values of respectively 12 and 20, the default values are used instead.

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