IDS Messages

The IDS Information Model provides an ontology for the description of metadata in the communication between IDS components. For the exchange of data between two connectors, the ids:Message concept is required to annotate the exchange with metadata about the exchange.

The IDS Information Model ontology can be found on Github.

The usage of these messages is described in Message Flows.


The ids:Message class is divided into three groups of messages: Request Messages, Response Message, and Notification Messages. These groups all share a common set of properties that are present in all instantiations of the ids:Message class. That set provides generic meta information of the message.

The table below lists these common properties. Summarizing, the issuerConnector, recipientConnector, senderAgent, and recipientAgent properties provide information of the intended recipient and sender of the message. The securityToken, authorizationToken, and transferContract properties are related to identification, authentication, and authorization concepts. The modelVersion, issued, contentVersion properties provide generic information of the data exchange.

Property Cardinality Description
modelVersion 1..1 Information Model version, against which the Message should be interpreted
issued 1..1 Date of issuing the message
correlationMessage ..1 Correlated message. Usually needed, if a message responds to a previous message. A Connector may, e.g., send a MessageProcessedNotification as a response to an incoming message and therefore needs this property to refer to the incoming message
issuerConnector 1..1 Origin Connector of the message
recipientConnector 1..* Target Connector
senderAgent 1..1 Agent, which initiated the message
recipientAgent 1..* Agent, for which the message is intended
securityToken 1..1 Token representing a claim, that the sender supports a certain security profile
authorizationToken 1..1 Authorization token
transferContract ..1 Contract which is (or will be) the legal basis of the data transfer
contentVersion 0..* Version of the content in the payload
ids:Message property overview

For a complete overview of the different types of ids:Message classes and their accompanying properties, visit Information Model Message Descriptions. The remainder of this page is a representation of this overview, with additional information on different aspects of the classes and properties.

Request Messages

The first subclass of messages is the ids:RequestMessage, that acts as a request in traditional request-response communication patterns. An ids:RequestMessage can be instantiated directly or one of the message types displayed in the table below can be used.

Message Class Description Additional Properties
RequestMessage Client-generated message initiating a communication, motivated by a certain reason and with an answer expected. May be used for messages, which are not covered by the core IDS messages. -
CommandMessage Command messages are usually sent when a response is expected by the sender. Changes state on the recipient side. Therefore, commands are not ‘safe’ in the sense of REST. -
InvokeOperationMessage Message requesting the recipient to invoke a specific operation. operationReference (1..1)
ContractRequestMessage Message containing a suggested content contract (as offered by the data consumer to the data provider) in the associated payload (which is an instance of ids:ContractRequest). -
ArtifactRequestMessage Message asking for retrieving the specified Artifact as the payload of an ArtifactResponse message. requestedArtifact (1..1)
AccessTokenRequestMessage Message requesting an access token. This is intended for point-to-point communication with, e.g., Brokers. -
QueryMessage Query message intended to be consumed by specific components. queryLanguage (..1) queryScope (..1) recipientScope (..1)
DescriptionRequestMessage Message requesting metadata. If no URI is supplied via the ids:requestedElement field, this messages is treated like a self-description request and the recipient should return its self-description via an ids:DescriptionResponseMessage. However, if a URI is supplied, the Connector should either return metadata about the requested element via an ids:DescriptionResponseMessage, or send an ids:RejectionMessage, e.g. because the element was not found requestedElement (..1)
UploadMessage Message used to upload a data to a recipient. Payload contains data -
AppRegistrationRequestMessage Message that asks for registration or update of a data app to the App Store. Payload contains app-related metadata (instance of class ids:AppResource). Message header may contain an app identifier parameter of a prior registered data app. If the app identifier is supplied, the message should be interpreted as a registration for an app update. Otherwise this message is used to register a new app. affectedDataApp (1..1)
AppUploadMessage Message that usually follows a AppRegistrationResponseMessage and is used to upload a data app to the app store. Payload contains data app. Note that the message must refer to the prior sent, corresponding AppResource instance. The IRI of the ids:appArtifactReference must must match the IRI of the artifact which is the value for the ids:instance property. The ids:instance is specific for each representation. Therefore, if someone wants to upload multiple representations for an app, he has to state them using multiple ids:instance properties inside the AppRepresentation (and therefore inside the AppResource). Otherwise no mapping between payload and app metadata can be achieved. appArtifactReference (1..1)
ids:RequestMessage subclasses

Response Messages

The second subclass of messages is the ids:ResponseMessage, that acts as a response to received requests. An ids:ResponseMessage must provide the correlationMessage property which references to the identifier of the received requests. An ids:ResponseMessage can be instantiated directly or one of the message types displayed in the table below can be used.

Message Class Description Additional Properties
ResponseMessage Response messages hold information about the reaction of a recipient to a formerly sent command or event. They must be correlated to this message. May be used for messages, which are not covered by the core IDS messages. -
ArtifactResponseMessage Message that follows up a ArtifactRequestMessage and contains the Artifact’s data in the payload section. -
AccessTokenResponseMessage Response to an access token request, intended for point-to-point communication. -
ContractAgreementMessage Message containing a contract, as an instance of ids:ContractAgreement, with resource access modalities on which two parties have agreed in the payload. -
ContractResponseMessage Message containing a response to a contract request (of a data consumer) in form of a counter-proposal of a contract in the associated payload (which is an instance of ContractOffcer). -
ResultMessage Result messages are intended to annotate the results of a query command. -
RejectionMessage Rejection messages are specialized response messages that notify the sender of a message that processing of this message has failed. rejectionReason (..1)
OperationResultMessage Message indicating that the result of a former InvokeOperation message is available. May transfer the result data in its associated payload section -
ParticipantResponseMessage This class is deprecated. Use ids:DescriptionResponseMessage instead. ParticipantResponseMessage follows up a ParticipantRequestMessage and contains the Participant’s information in the payload section. -
ContractRejectionMessage Message indicating rejection of a contract. contractRejectionReason (..1)
DescriptionResponseMessage Message containing the metadata, which a Connector previously requested via the ids:DescriptionRequestMessage, in its payload. -
UploadResponseMessage Message that follows up a UploadMessage and contains the upload confirmation. -
AppUploadResponseMessage Message that follows up an AppUploadMessage and contains the app upload confimation. -
AppRegistrationResponseMessage Message that follows up an AppRegistrationRequestMessage and contains the app registration confimation. -
ids:ResponseMessage subclasses

Note: for all ids:ResponseMessage (sub)classes the correlationMessage property, as described in ids:Message, is required.

Notification Messages

The last subclass of messages is the ids:NotificationMessage. This acts as a notification without the requirement of receiving a response to the message. These messages are often used to indicate that a message is received properly or to send an update without explicit confirmations. An ids:NotificationMessage can be instantiated directly or one of the message types displayed in the table below can be used.

Message Class Description Additional Properties
NotificationMessage Notification messages are informative and no response is expected by the sender. May be used for scenarios, which are not covered by the core IDS messages. -
LogMessage Log Message which can be used to transfer logs e.g. to the clearing house. -
ContractOfferMessage Message containing an offered content contract (as offered by a data provider to the data consumer) in the associated payload (which is an instance of ContractOffer). In contrast to the ids:ContractResponseMessage, the ids:ContractOfferMessage is not related to a previous contract request. -
ContractSupplementMessage Message containing supplemental information to access resources of a contract. agreedContract (1..1)
MessageProcessedNotificationMessage Notification that a message has been successfully processed (i.e., not ignored or rejected). correlationMessage (1..1)
RequestInProcessMessage Notification that a request has been accepted and is being processed. correlationMessage (1..1)
ConnectorInactiveMessage Event notifying the recipient(s) that a connector will be unavailable. The same connector may be available again in the future affectedConnector (1..1)
ConnectorUpdateMessage Event notifying the recipient(s) about the availability and current configuration of a connector. The payload of the message must contain the updated connector’s self-description affectedConnector (1..1)
ConnectorCertificateGrantedMessage Whenever a Connector has been successfully certified by the Certification Body, the Identity Provider can use this message to notify Infrastructure Components. affectedConnector (1..1)
ConnectorCertificateRevokedMessage Indicates that a (previously certified) Connector is no more certified. This could happen, for instance, if the Certification Body revokes a granted certificate or if the certificate has just expired. affectedConnector (1..1)
ResourceUnavailableMessage Message indicating that a specific resource is unavailable. The same resource may be available again in the future. affectedResource (1..1)
ResourceUpdateMessage Message indicating the availability and current description of a specific resource. The resource must be present in the payload of this message. affectedResource (1..1)
AppAvailableMessage Message indicating that a specific App should be available (again) in the AppStore. affectedResource (1..1)
AppUnavailableMessage Message indicating that a specific App should be unavailable in the AppStore. affectedResource (1..1)
AppDeleteMessage Message indicating that an App should be deleted from the AppStore. affectedResource (1..1)
ParticipantUnavailableMessage Event notifying the recipient(s) that a participant will be unavailable. The same participant may be available again in the future. affectedParticipant (1..1)
ParticipantUpdateMessage Event notifying the recipient(s) about the availability and current description of a participant. The payload of the message must contain the participant’s self-description affectedParticipant (1..1)
ParticipantCertificateGrantedMessage Whenever a Participant has been successfully certified by the Certification Body, the Identity Provider can use this message to notify Infrastructure Components affectedParticipant (1..1)
ParticipantCertificateUnavailableMessage Indicates that a (previously certified) Participant is no more certified. This could happen, for instance, if the Certification Body revokes a granted certificate or if the certificate has just expired. affectedParticipant (1..1)
ids:NotificationMessage subclasses

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